Here's a collection of human archives I've seen around the internets. Even if it's not on this list, I can almost guarantee there's a site out there, waiting for a a saucy potshot of you for public amusement.
The internet is creepy like that: it feeds collectors' compulsions. Add a dash of social troll and, well, you're in the business of a blog!
- People of WalMart
- Stuff White People Like
- Awkward Family Photos
- Asian Poses
- Bluetooth Douchebags
- Anti Duckface
- Why the Fuck Do You Have a Kid (via Candace)
- Cockshadows (!)
- I Hate My Parents (via @voelker, and to which credit must be given for the photo above)
- Sexy People (via @jadedgreen)
- Accidental Dong (also via @jadedgreen, and somewhat better than Cockshadows)
- My Parents Were Awesome (via Candace, kinda cool actually)
- People of Public Transit (via @wisey)
- Totally Looks Like
- Pale is the New Tan
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags
- This is Why You're Fat
I'm starting to see unnerving themes.
Sadly, no O-Face archive yet. Guess I just need to look harder. Any others?
Seems to become an amusing afternoon : ) Thanks for the compilation.
Also, whythefuckdoyouhaveakid.com
This one is kind of cool: http://myparentswereawesome.tumblr.com/
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