10 for 10 is back. (You love it.) We talk sexy burka wearers. Assassin shoes. Grizzly Bear. The children of stars, and more.
Five minutes with... this time out features the rants of The Girl Riot and her inside voice on the mic. Buckle up kids! She gets all into Twitter updates! Bad moves by band members! Weezer Snuggie!
Then we try something new where we take one brand or issue on our minds and come up with a fix for it. That’s part of the advertising world: sometimes, a client lands on your desk and you have no choice but to work on it. The victim this time out? PETA. Buckle up kids is right.
Topics by timestamp:
00:23 – 1. 10 for 10.
39:02 – 2. Five minutes with... The Girl Riot. (Well, more like eight minutes.)
48:48 – 3. Saving PETA
01:03:27 – 4. Do authority figures have a responsibility to respond to detractors?
01:10:55 – 5. That’s a wrap
BTW, the Liaison Dangereuse, Kayak and Guinness ads we mentioned in the show appear below.
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