Angela Natividad's Live & Uncensored!

23 January 2010

Because We Like to Think that When Robots Are Finally Self-Aware, They Will Also Have Feelings and Growing Pains and Crippling Self-Doubt.*

ABSOLUT Vodka -- which has apparently decided that selling kindness and vulnerability are the way to go for market differentiation -- partnered with Spike Jonze to develop a short film called I'm Here.

It doesn't seem like it'll take itself too seriously, but it's got enough ennui-laced warm-fuzzies to at least win views from a Cannes judge or two or three.

The film will appear on the I'm Here website in March. I'll probably watch it because I dig Spike Jonze and the fact that it's billed as "a robot love story." That is, if I don't forget in the wake of some great calamity -- like Chris Crocker getting a network deal.


*Because maybe then they won't all kill us, and people can mate with them, like in Bladerunner.

1 comment:

The Great Rashimoto said...

Not gonna lie it looks really interesting. Looks a little bathetical but enough to hold my interest.
Also not gonna lie I'd be pretty stoked if Chris got a network deal. He's a friend of mine. We've talked a few times on skype =P lol

Sidenote, I just downloaded ep 15 of Adverve. Will listen to tonight!