Steve Jobs, 2 years ago to date, on Kindle: "The whole conception is flawed at the top because people don't read anymore."
Perhaps because he's not a stupid man, iPad is positioned thus:
The best way to experience the web, email, photos, and video. Hands down.
(Because the "book" and the "reading" parts go without saying.)
Image credit: Kimberly White, Reuters.
this shit has shut the game down. entirely.
*Rasheeda likes this*
Notice "work" is not mentioned.
I'll stick with my Apple iBook - mixing business with pleasure. I can do work on Word AND Faceook Game Apps at the same time! Better than texting while I drive!
Just thought I'd let you know that when I read this on a blog feed on facebook, this was all I could read:
"Perhaps because he's not a stupid man, iPad is"
"people" + "don't" + "read" + "anymore" = brain metastases.
Le pauvre,
un m.d (L)
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