Marketing 2.0 Paris took place this week and has swallowed my life, but I recorded a BeanCast the other day with some Objectively Awesome People™ -- Bill Green, John Wall and Bob Knorpp, the most disciplined podcast host in the known universe -- and wanted to get the link out there.
The episode is called "Amish Legless Hookers." Fuck* the blasé title for a moment and observe all the ish we covered:
- Netflix and Facebook
- Big brands tag-teaming on Cannes UGC ad contest
- Charmin on iPhone; the shelf life of iPhone apps in general
- Presidential Face-Time
- Rick Wagoner exiting stage left
- Making Money, Social-Network Style
- ExecuTweets and monetizing Twitter
- Facebook whoring for more cash
- How Alex Bogusky Looooves Small Agencies
- How Mike Hughes Looooves Newspaper Ads
- Asian AdFest Troubled By Prostitution
You can kinda get a sense of where things went horribly wrong and the episode title was born.
Anyway, I'm off to decompress with some Marketing deux-point-zero peeps. Will post photos and thoughts ASAP. (Promise.)
*Do you like how I tossed in that expletive in the middle of a take-me-seriously transition? Yeah? Me too.