Angela Natividad's Live & Uncensored!

10 March 2010

AdVerve Episode 22: Plagiarism in Advertising

There isn’t any. Nothing more to see here, so move on. We kid! So we finally get to an “ism” episode that we had planned ever since our first show on Racism in advertising. This topic comes up from time to time, but usually only on ad blogs and only by people in the industry. Regular consumers? They could give a shit.

Homage? Tribute? Imitation? A rip? Inspiration? Direct lift? Copycat? Whatever you call it, we discuss all the issues surrounding a touchy subject with copywriter Dan Goldgeier of Partners + Napier. (In addition to being Ad Pulp columnist and regular Talent Zoo columnist, he’s also on Twitter.)

In addition, we go over why plagiarism is different in music, film and fashion. Because there, it’s not *just* plagiarism—it’s an homage, people.

An homage.

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*Get it? That was an homage to a Clint Eastwood film. Homage ftw!


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