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Our extra-special pre-holiday Episode 11 features Åsk Wäppling of, infamously known among ad land old-schoolers as @dabitch.
This week we tackle Sexism™, one of the more obvious "isms" in this fair industry we call advertising.
Having clocked in at a number of European shops and freelanced at some American ones, Åsk gets gritty about why it's tough for women to ask for more money, why breeding potential is an irrational metric for hire and what made method's scrubbing bubbles ad so uncomfortable to watch.
You can read more of Åsk's sexism thoughts on Adland, where she synopsizes a lot of what we discussed, and hammers in points we didn't have time to talk about.
In case you plan to check out early this week, happy holidays and check the shower before stepping into it. If you can, catch our year-end pop culture roundup next week.
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