Yeah, I know we still have New Years ahead of us, but might as well start grinding on some brainfood early so Jan 4 doesn't get you all depressed and looking for candles and razors and Enya.
AdVerve partner in crime (and blogga from anotha motha!) Bill Green sent me the above greeting. I think it is nice.
Anyway, as the season winds down and we recover from the funnel-fest of food, I imagine a lot of you are using your downtime to scope out Twitter, see what's hot or at least peruse-worthy. To help, as we traverse that short road back to the mills, here are some links that I promised myself I would read sometime today or tomorrow(ish):
- Top 10 Branded iPhone Apps of 2009 (AdAge)
- Twitter is Profitable. Your Argument is Invalid.
- 5 Ways Slideshare Can Help Your Business (Rohit Bhargava, who I find quite neat)
- 10 of the Biggest Lies in History (includes some faux Vermeer action, and my favourite: the Trojan Horse)
- US vs British Healthcare (for sounding smart and well-rounded when the moment is nigh)
- Retour sur la gestion de crise Eurostar (Sandrine Plasseraud, who is loveleh and who thinks)
- Les Français décomplexés du porno. How porn is penetrating the mainstream -- couples watching it together, people being able to say they watch it without looking like sick sad potential pedos, etc.
- I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
- La Main Perrier (I'll write more on this later)
- Strindberg and Helium! If you liked Salad Fingers, you will quite enjoy this. (Thanks, Beeg.)
- Domino Day!
- Stefano Ferroni Photography -- generically Vogue on the surface, but pretty and a little stark. The Exhibition section also has some neat things:

- Gonna wrap this up with Violet Blue's Top 10 Sexy Geeks 2010, not just because Google can now index (and immortalize) evidence of my goddesslike countenance for time immemorial, but because... no, that's pretty much the only reason.
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