For reasons I can't begin to understand, probably having more to do with his kindness than my coherence, Bob Knorpp invited me back onto The BeanCast with Bill Green and John Wall.
This week we discussed:
- The future of email
- The Mardi Gras Theory™ (heh.)
- Whether Hulu is eating YouTube's face off
- The ability to bid for trademarks on AdWords (Google's PPC platform)
- The (apparent) trend toward anger-infused advertising
- Facebook's flirtation with a site-wide e-commerce model
Knorpp also surprised us with the inclusion of our own introductory theme music -- a gift that resulted in the three of us dissolving into flattered, slightly-embarrassed giggles.
Hear it all here. If so inclined, down a tequila shooter every time Knorpp hits "PLAY" on one of our personalized intros.
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