Which, at present, I am.
I'll update this list as I discover more Oohs and Aahs. In the meantime:
- Twhirl. (Download.) Ports tweets into a user-friendly chat box. You will never use AIM again. Sift replies, file goodies and retweet at leisure. Discovered via @stevehall.
- TweetStats. Pop in a username and get colourful graphs on month-to-month Twitter use, aggregate daily and hourly tweets, people replied to most, interfaces preferred.
There's gotta be a practical application for this.Indeed there is: identifying bots. Discovered via @griner. - tweet clouds. Creates a tag cloud of words you tweet most. Via @WillWheeler.
- TwitterSnooze. Following somebody who's live-tweeting a really lame ad conference? Snooze that bastard. Customize length of days. Via @scobleizer, who invited people to snooze him at will. (There's a guy who's comfortable with his public persona.)
- twitterverse. Sorta like Google Zeitgeist. Tells you what people are tweeting about today. Via @mikedelgado.
- twitterlocal. Lets you filter tweets by geographic location.
- twistori. The reason I decided to compile this list. Zeroes in on when people tweet love, hate, think, believe, feel, and wish. Click on one for real-time emo-vision. Sometimes it's mundane ("i hate the dentist") or provocative ("i hate not knowing"); other times just random ("i love burnt cheese." Me too, incidentally). Via @florianseroussi.
- Intwition. Tracks what links are, were, or will be popular.
You are such a total Twitter geek now:-)
Yeah, I'm ashamed to look at myself in the mirror in the morning.
Dude, the last one so reminds me of http://wefeelfine.org. It tweaked my melon the first time I saw it.
Check out Digsby. It's in beta right now, but it looks very promising
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