Post-Super Bowl and we only talk about one Super Bowl spot? Sure. Why not. From there, things morph into Jesus and how parents make kids go to church, thereby planting the seeds for their future interest in science fiction. Speaking of, prescient that the topic of science friction starts at 25:25. (You figure the reference out.) At least in our cases it did. From there, things devolve further into US imperialism and actors we hate. Mutually exclusive? Could be. Listen for yourselves, then judge, won’t you?
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00:00 – 1. Intro
00:45 – 2. NOT the Super Bowl
12:36 – 3. Snowmaggedon
13:36 – 4. Jesus church porn
20:33 – 5. Google buzz—your future is now
25:25 – 6. Science friction
31:08 – 7. Actors we love/hate
35:34 – 8. Le Burka ban
39:32 – 9. Inventing the future... now
45:32 – 10. Classics? Own that shit
52:38 – 11. That’s a wrap...
- Jesus prayer rug junk mail.
- Perfume.
- Where the Wild Things Are. (*Unofficial*)
- Alice in Wonderland.
Send questions, comments or requests for newsletter inclusion to advervepodcast [at] gmail [dot] com. You can also leave a review.
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